Tuesday, October 11, 2016

DOS Network Commands

        The Command prompt/DOS in Microsoft Windows or terminal in Linux distros and Mac OSs are incredibly powerful tools that are often ignored by the average user. In this article I'm demonstrating two simple network command utilities that is fun and useful: Ping and Traceroute.

        In the past, I've written a post about using isup.me to check if a website is up or not. Now, what this website does is that it pings the server you've mentioned from different locations around the world. If the server responds in every case, the website is up. If it does not, it might be partially or completely down. Pinging is a method of testing the accessibility of a host by sending some arbitrary data which is then sent back (or more correctly, echoed back) to the source.

        Did you know that you could ping any server from your very computer? If a website or server appears to be down, you can just ping it yourself to see if it's up. Here's how to do it:

The command to do this is the same in Windows, Linux and Mac. Just enter ping and the URL or IP address of the website to be pinged.

If the website is not up, you'll see a request timeout instead. Keep in mind that certain websites and servers may have intentionally blocked responses to the ping command as it  is also the source of many type of attacks that can be used to exploit websites.

The ping command also returns the time in milliseconds taken for the request to echo back, which reflects the speed of your internet connection/load on the server.

        Time to do something more fun: Traceroute. As the name suggests, this is used to trace the path of the communication from your system to the server with which you are communicating. This allow you to discover all the different routers and sometimes surprisingly long distances every data packet from system goes to fetch what you need from the internet.

The command for this in Linux and Mac is traceroute and in Windows it is tracert. I've noticed that the Windows Command Prompt displays the information information in a much more organised and easier to read format than the terminal.

You can now read the number of hops each data packet makes before reaching it's location, and time delay between each one. This is essential in finding out if a particular point in your data route is clogging up your connection to a server. You can also see the IP addresses of each successive host. Now this is where the real fun starts. Go to www.iplocation.net, enter 
in each IP address to get the location in latitude and longitude. No go to a map-plotting utility like Google MyMaps and enter the coordinates to find out just how far and wide the packets are hopping geographically.

The results might be surprising.

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