Saturday, October 22, 2016

Logan: The swansong of Hugh Jackman's Wolverine


       They say you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself turn into the villain. But despite playing arguably the most popular character in a film franchise that spans nine movies over nearly two decades, the world still hasn't had enough of Hugh Jackman's portrayal of Wolverine. So when the actor revealed that he won't be reprising the role of Wolverine as his contract expires post Wolverine's third solo outing, millions of hearts where broken around the world.

        Yet all things must come to an end, and while depressing thoughts like Robert Downey Jr no longer portraying Tony Stark a.k.a Iron Man is still a long way away, the time is coming closer for the internationally acclaimed Aussie to hang up his claws. And the trailer release for the final film, titled "Logan" , dropped two days ago, reminded us just how close this was going to be.

The trailer has garnered nearly 8 million views in less that 48 hours, and is still topping trending charts across various social media.

        As not one person shall walk into a theater playing Logan without being filled with emotions, the film trailer carries with it an air of calmness that is in sharp contrast to the usual louder-than-thoughts screen smashing action packed trailers that accompany X-men films. As revealed before, the film is based on the comic series Old Man Logan and features, well, an older, ageing Wolverine.

        Another highlight of the film is that it is going to be R-rated. Fans of the franchise has long been yearning for a film that features the gory and intense scenes of the X-men comics portrayed faithfully on the big screen, yet every film the franchise with the exception of Deadpool (Which got it's R-rating for different reasons) has been PG-13. With Logan moviegoers can expect to see Hugh Jackman in his most intense, most extreme representation of the titular character yet.

        In the longer run, a shift in perspective from the usual make the X-men beat the bad guy while dealing with typical problems of being a mutant will serve the franchise well, whose films apart from having a notoriously confusing timeline has been often criticized for being repetitive (Although that is unlikely to stop it from topping the box office, just look at the Fast and Furious franchise.)

         But still the comic and X-men fandom shall weep as the credits roll at the end of Logan, with many of us unable to imagine a different actor ever playing Wolverine. Right now the film seems to be set on the right track to give the character, which shall soon fade into legend, a fitting goodbye. Logan releases on March 3rd, 2017.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Article on Swachh Bharat initiative

This is an essay written by me in accordance with the cleaning program 'Swachh Bharath' initiated by the PM of India, Mr. Narendra Modi.

Cleanliness is one of the most required, yet one of the most frequently ignored aspect of our lives. Good sanitary practices in a neighborhood may be the only thing keeping the local doctor from racking up his profits. Several deadly diseases that can lead to a painful rehabilitation or even a torturous death can be easily prevented by observing basic hygiene. The lack of cleanliness is constantly associated with places like slums, and thus it is no surprise that such slums and poor colonies are the source of several disease breakouts. Cleanliness is also one of the most striking characters of developed nations. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for us to convert India into a ‘Swachh Bharat’ for us to progress down the path of development.

All organisms need raw material obtained from outside their body for performing life processes. Humans are no exception to this, and we take in food to obtain a wide variety of proteins, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. Since the constituents of food is taken from outside our body, it is inevitable that it will not be composed purely of what our body wants. Our body is capable of removing any contaminating impurities from foodstuffs up to a limit. However, when this limit is breached, as often is the case in a developing country like India, deadly diseases starts to run amok. From the life threatening epidemics of hepatitis to the debilitating E-Coli inflicted food poisoning, food-borne diseases can threaten the health of the entire nation.

The primary cause of food-borne diseases is, obviously, the consumption of contaminated food. When we consume contaminated food, any harmful pathogens that survive our body’s natural defenses start multiplying in large numbers and secrete chemicals that aid their survival, while poisoning us and sapping our internal resources. A higher pH value in the stomach greatly reduces the number of pathogens required to break through the defenses and infect our body. Symptoms of most diseases include vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. Many are deceived by these symptoms and put it off to a bad meal, all the while the germs spread across the alimentary canal. This can also be the starting point of even deadlier diseases as the toxins secreted by some bacteria and viruses tend to get absorbed into the bloodstream, wreaking havoc across the entire body in a matter of hours. Unclean food can also have eggs of parasitic worms that can hatch inside out body upon consumption, leading to a slow deterioration of one’s health.

More than half the world’s population do not have total food security, and 1 in every 4 is likely to suffer from food poisoning in his life. Food-borne diseases also kill millions around the world every year, with the worst death rate in African countries. About 2 million children die annually due to food poisoning, and the amount of money spent for treating food-borne diseases in the US alone is over 35 billion dollars every year. This dreadful situation is escalated by the fact that the poorest of India doesn’t have access to good quality hospitals to obtain treatment.

As a result, ensuring access to medical facilities and promoting research and development on cheaper and more effective cures will help alleviate the impact these diseases can have on the society and its economy.

But the old saying ‘Prevention is better than cure’ still very much holds true, and uprooting this problem entirely is better than developing cures, which should only be an intermediate measure. It is a shocking fact that most cases of food poisoning and food-borne diseases happen not because the consumers were struck by ill-luck or was misinformed, but because they have no choice but to eat unclean food. Although India has been working towards achieving food security since independence, we are far from realizing this goal, and this combined with the huge population of India results in a large number of people at the base of the economic hierarchy that are forced to consume contaminated food to continue their existence. As a result, our society remains crippled.

From simple gestures like not wasting food during meals to reinforcing the public distribution system by the government, there are a multitude of ways in which this situation can be improved. While general economic development will significantly contribute to solving this issue in the long run, the measures to deal with this issue should start with a proper overhaul of the aforementioned public distribution system. The tendency of ration shop workers to supply sub-standard materials while usurping the supply from the government is not unknown. A stricter set of laws and higher quality standards will go a long way in helping to solve this problem. Quality checks should also be enforced on restaurants and hotels and constant flash raids on godowns and warehouses to check for improper handling of foodstuffs is a must. Sadly, it is a true fact that much of the buffer stock kept by the government to alleviate famines turns to rat food in the godowns due to inefficiency and corruption of officials. Food security promotion and fundraising campaigns should be organized at the poorest localities of India. It is also the duty of every citizen of India to actively participate in the government campaigns regarding this issue, donate money to NGO’s working to solve this issue, and encourage their friends and family to do the same.

The combined efforts of the society and the government together can certainly help oust this plaguing problem. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi put what we need to do in a nutshell when he asked: "We reached Mars. No PM or Minister went. It was the people who did it, our scientists who did it. So can't we create a Clean India?"

By Aswin G

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

DOS Network Commands

        The Command prompt/DOS in Microsoft Windows or terminal in Linux distros and Mac OSs are incredibly powerful tools that are often ignored by the average user. In this article I'm demonstrating two simple network command utilities that is fun and useful: Ping and Traceroute.

        In the past, I've written a post about using to check if a website is up or not. Now, what this website does is that it pings the server you've mentioned from different locations around the world. If the server responds in every case, the website is up. If it does not, it might be partially or completely down. Pinging is a method of testing the accessibility of a host by sending some arbitrary data which is then sent back (or more correctly, echoed back) to the source.

        Did you know that you could ping any server from your very computer? If a website or server appears to be down, you can just ping it yourself to see if it's up. Here's how to do it:

The command to do this is the same in Windows, Linux and Mac. Just enter ping and the URL or IP address of the website to be pinged.

If the website is not up, you'll see a request timeout instead. Keep in mind that certain websites and servers may have intentionally blocked responses to the ping command as it  is also the source of many type of attacks that can be used to exploit websites.

The ping command also returns the time in milliseconds taken for the request to echo back, which reflects the speed of your internet connection/load on the server.

        Time to do something more fun: Traceroute. As the name suggests, this is used to trace the path of the communication from your system to the server with which you are communicating. This allow you to discover all the different routers and sometimes surprisingly long distances every data packet from system goes to fetch what you need from the internet.

The command for this in Linux and Mac is traceroute and in Windows it is tracert. I've noticed that the Windows Command Prompt displays the information information in a much more organised and easier to read format than the terminal.

You can now read the number of hops each data packet makes before reaching it's location, and time delay between each one. This is essential in finding out if a particular point in your data route is clogging up your connection to a server. You can also see the IP addresses of each successive host. Now this is where the real fun starts. Go to, enter 
in each IP address to get the location in latitude and longitude. No go to a map-plotting utility like Google MyMaps and enter the coordinates to find out just how far and wide the packets are hopping geographically.

The results might be surprising.

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