Learning a programming language is one of the things that is must-do these days. Even if you are not into computers and techy stuff, basic understanding of programming languages and the way they work is a must.
While standard school courses may fulfill this requirement, what is taught in such courses is not nearly enough to bring out the full potential in the aspiring programmers among us.
Programming is a great hobby to take up during this summer that allows you to unleash your creativity and sharpen your mental capability to a razor sharp point. For all you know, you could end up publishing a game that goes viral on the internet, earning you money and fame.
But the problem most young coders face is the lack of a starting point for their dreams. Many believe it is necessary to take a coaching course to get a real grasp of programming. While such a course will definitely help, it is perfectly possible to learn programming online, thanks to the sheer number of free tutorials floating around, at your own pace and time while not wasting any resources on a summer course.
If learning programming appeals to you, few websites offer a good starting point as www.javatpoint.com , which has tutorials on nearly every major programming language in an easy and simple to understand format filled with ready-to-run examples and online shells for executing your code.
www.w3schools.com is the ultimate website to learn everything (and by that, I mean EVERYTHING.) regarding all aspects of web development.
Many such websites can be easily found online, and is just a google search away.
In the coming weeks, I hope to introduce more such websites and a give a few simple tutorials myself!